
Honey was born in June 2007 in Spain. She had a very hard life before she came to me.
Six months old Honey was found in an abandoned hotel complex. She was nearly starved. Honey was brought to the local animal shelter, but it was hopelessly crowded and Honey had to life in a small open air enclosure with 40 other cats. The cats got no medical treatment and food was rare.
When Honey came to me in July 2008, she was in a bad shape and very shy. She was so depressed that she had stopped washing herself. She was meager and her fur was full of dirt.
Honey spend her first two weeks in Germasny hiding under the couch. It took her months to learn to trust me.
Today, Honey is a very happy and cuddly cat who sleeps on my pillow every night. She os still very shy around strangers though.

Artos was born in March 2004. I got him from the local animal shelter in December 2008 and I know very little about his past. He spend only a few weeks at the animal shelter, but I assume that Artos has been abandoned several times, because he is very clingy and afraid when I am gone for a few days.
Artos is the friendliest cat I've ever known. He loves being petted by everybody and everybody loves him.
Artos is very adventurous and spends as much time outside as possible. He can by very cuddly, but he can get rather wild when I play with him, too.